Friday, November 13, 2009

The Art of "Appreciating"

“Hey! You look really good today” is one comment that we love to hear over and over again. One way to touch a woman’s deepest emotion and evoke a smile in what-so-ever situation or mood is to heartily appreciate her looks. I am completely ignorant about how it works with men though. Men never crave for it as a women does, except from the woman he loves.

Its important for women to be appreciated, identified, studied, discussed. Yes, she needs all the attention in every way possible from her loved ones in all aspects of her life. Looks and beauty have that extra craving for obvious reasons.
It feels lovely being at the receiving end. Have we ever wondered how it is like to be on the other side? Well, if you are one of them, who find it really hard appreciating someone, admit it. Its not an easy job to do.

Appreciating a fellow human being is one of the hardest tasks. Its one of the “Universal feelings” that I have already referred to. Time for self-introspection. When did you last appreciate a person’s work whole heartedly? This person should not be your Friend!
The question is, how often have we even made an attempt to praise some one’s work?
Its not that we don’t want to, we simply are not used to it. Very few of us think of specific ways to make others happy. Appreciating is definitely not on a women’s list! We see men do that a lot naturally. You know why?

The general conviction goes like this,
When a guy comments on the looks of a girl, he tries to impress her.
When a girl comments on the looks of another girl, she is putting herself down, admitting that “You surely look better than me, and I am jealous!”

Sounds stupid? This is exactly what runs into a girl’s mind. There’s another version of it.
The girl might indeed be beautiful and subject to raving compliments already. Appreciating her? “Oh no!! Her head is already weighing more than it should be, I don’t want to add to her burden!”

There’s one more version. The “Instant Absurdity” strikes. When someone does genuinely compliment us, we tend to blush and say, “Thank you. Why, you look great too”!
Craziest thing to do. By doing so you are only making the person feel embarrassed. Many choose the indirect way. “Hmmm, kalakkara po” in a sarcastic tone. This only leaves the other person guessing what you are trying to convey.

We hardly sit back and think all these minute things, but it makes a lot of difference in Life.
Everyone wants to be liked, more importantly, to know that. Expressing and sharing feelings adds on to the strength of a relationship. Most of all, it makes someone Happy! Makes them feel important. Speak out the fact, tell people what you like about them, appreciate their good work and see for yourself the change in you.


  1. Well husband always think I fish for compliments where as to me compliments and appreciations are the key drivers...
    I have to admit, I am pretty generous too with my compliments for others:)...especially if they are either younger to me or way too older to peers...ahem ahem...:)
    One reason I can think of why girls dont extend their compliments to their fellow peers is there is always a comparing mentality that creeps up and many tend to feel they are better:) so why go around complimenting a peer who is needs maturity to get out of your narcisstic "thyself shell" to appreciate others!!
    Younger ones definitely need to be encouraged and older ones desperately need motivation at their age - as there is no comparison involved here, this task is pretty easy:)!!

  2. Good one Priya :)
    i suppose with my above statement i am good at the art:)

  3. Meenakshi..

    Bang on!! Well said :)

  4. It's usually people with inferiority complex who can't appreciate a positive comment about them. I prefer to keep my mouth shut around such individuals.

    And Priya, guys nowadays really do care about their looks.. I dunno about India but in many parts of the world, guy care about their image as much or sometimes even more than girls. There is even a word for such guys - METROSEXUALS :D

  5. Nice blog. Very informative I should say :D

    I am very stingy giving compliments and I have never complimented someone for looks. I have always seen someone based on what they are , than how they look. Although , I must confess I bird watch a LOT. But, complimenting someone for the looks is something I don't like.

    Wondering what you would say when someone compliments you?.

    Keep writing! Bye for now!

  6. +1 i always felt that , nicely described , good one :) have lotta facta with little flavour of philosophy , i luvd it !!!!

  7. one more fact have a look on your follower list , hardly u have the other gender :) , they just have to realise that nothing feels like keeping someone happy , it creates so much of positive vibrations than suppressing it !!!

  8. Udhav..

    I thought about appreciating in general, but when it comes to women, they hardly compliment others on looks. Thats why i chose this topic specifically! :)
    I will happy ofcourse when compliments! ;)
    Thanks for ur comments!!

  9. Senthil..

    I never analysed my follower list :)
    Thanks for your comments!! :)
